nec-tar /’nekter/  (in Greek and Roman mythology) the drink of the gods.

cucumber dream



Refreshing taste of fresh summer cucumbers in a 5mg infused seltzer. with zero calories and zero sugar, this strain specific drink is what you need to start your day right!

watermelon gelato



A superior, flavorful cannabis experience. Zero carbs, zero sugar, zero calories, true to plant strain specific taste. Watermelon Gelato 12 oz./5mg THC Nectar Seltzer.

pineapple coconut


Coconut Express

A tastebud adventure is just ahead when you endulge in this coconut and pineapple flavor filled seltzer. Infused with 5mg of THC, this is sure to deliver some fun in the sun.

Click here to learn more about Nectar Seltzers or where to buy locally. Enjoy!